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Impact of Stress on Women You Need to Know

Many things can trigger stress in women, ranging from weight problems to love problems. However, stress will not solve the problem you face. Stress can actually have a negative impact on your mental and physical health. Stress is a reaction produced by the body when facing a situation or event. When experiencing stress, you will feel heavier breathing and increased heart rate and blood pressure. Many effects can be caused by stress, both positive and negative. The positive impact is that stress can increase your motivation to solve the problem that triggers the stress. This stress can certainly be regarded as something beneficial. However, there is also negative stress. Severe stress or stress that interfere with health can cause psychological problems, such as depression and anxiety disorders, and physical disorders. Therefore, stress that causes these health problems needs to be addressed immediately.

Various Effects of Stress on Women

The following are some of the effects of stress on women that you should be aware of:

1. Irregular menstrual cycles

The weight of the mind that is too heavy can affect the menstrual cycle. When you are stressed, the part of the brain that functions to regulate the menstrual cycle (hypothalamus) will be disrupted. This condition causes the hormones regulating menstrual cycles produced to be unbalanced, so menstruation becomes irregular.

2. PMS is getting worse

PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) is a collection of symptoms and complaints felt by women before menstruation. In some women, these symptoms can be felt until the menstrual period is over. Symptoms of PMS can vary, ranging from headaches, breast pain, mood changes, insomnia, indigestion, to changes in sexual desire. These symptoms can be felt even more severe when women experience stress before the menstrual period.

3. Psychological problems

Ladies, don't leave it too long and protracted stress, yeah. Unresolved stress can make women vulnerable to psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety disorders, and easy emotions. This of course can have a negative impact on activities and daily work.

4. Problems with the skin

Apart from thoughts, it turns out stress can also affect the condition of the skin. Stress can cause an increase in the production of the hormone cortisol which can trigger excessive oil production in the skin. In addition, women often forget or are reluctant to care for the skin when under stress. These two things can trigger some skin problems, one of which is acne.

5. Difficulty concentrating

Stress can disturb your attention and focus. Jobs that you usually get done quickly can actually take a long time when you are stressed. In addition, stress also makes you lose passion and enthusiasm for work.

6. Sleep disturbance

Stress in women can also affect sleep patterns. Women who are experiencing stress tend to have difficulty falling asleep or often wake up suddenly during sleep. This is because excess stress can make the burden of the mind build up and even cause mental stress, so that the body cannot rest comfortably. However, this is not absolutely happening. There are also some women who do not experience sleep disorders when under stress.

Be aware of the Impact of Stress on Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, you may feel prone to worry, especially when thinking about the health of the unborn child. Coupled with the many changes that go through during pregnancy, for example changes in body shape and mistakes because they have to undergo daily activities. This condition can trigger stress during your pregnancy. Actually, stress during pregnancy is a normal condition experienced by pregnant women. However, if stress occurs continuously, then this condition will adversely affect the health of the fetus. Stress that is not managed properly can increase the risk of giving birth to a baby with low weight or even premature. There are also studies that show that there is a relationship between stress during pregnancy with an increased risk of infant developmental disorders.

How to Manage Stress in Pregnant Women

Although stress is a common condition, but you must be able to manage stress well, especially for those of you who are pregnant. Everyone has different ways to deal with stress, so it is important for you to understand how to deal with stress that is suitable. To deal with stress, start by finding out what stresses you. After that, find the best way to deal with stress in accordance with the cause. You can exchange ideas with people you trust. Tell me what makes you worried about your family or partner. In addition, ask your husband to always support you during pregnancy. In this way, you will feel better. You can also divert your mind by doing positive activities, such as traveling or taking a vacation for a while, until taking time off to rest and overcome fatigue that feels stressful. When under stress, you are also encouraged to exercise regularly, such as yoga for pregnant women, eating healthy food, and getting enough sleep so that your health and the fetus are maintained. If the methods above are not able to relieve the stress that you experience, then do not hesitate to consult with a psychologist. This is so you do not drag on experiencing stress. If you are pregnant, you can also consult an obstetrician to ask for some tips and advice for dealing with stress that you feel when pregnant.


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